We value the presence of God, therefore we are worshippers. We believe that He inhabits the praises of His people, so we will praise Him. We believe that worship is much more than music; worship is our way of life. Ps 22:3, Rom 12:1

We value the Word of God. We will read it, study it, preach it and most importantly, live our lives according to what The Bible says. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Heb. 4:12

We value prayer. We will pray with each other and for each other. We will pray for anyone who needs a touch from God. Not only is it our privilege to speak to our Father, but we will listen for Him as He speaks to us. We value the Voice of our Father. Philippians 4:6-7, John 10:27

We value Our Father and the relationship that He desires to have with us as His beloved sons and daughters. We find our identity in the covenant relationship that He has initiated with us. We believe that the more we identify with Him as our Father, the greater will be our freedom to responsibly represent His family well. Rom. 8:15, Matt. 6:9-15

We value our salvation through Jesus. Every person needs to be rescued from hell and destined for heaven. Jesus came and paid for the sin of all who will believe in Him, through His death burial and resurrection. We want everyone to know that important truth. John 3:16, Rom 1:16

We value the power and work of His Holy Spirit in our daily lives. We believe that He is at work with signs and wonders in the earth today. He graciously lives inside us and allows us the privilege of carrying His presence, healing and mercy to a dying world. Acts 2:38-39, Rom. 8:10-11


We value the church. We count it a privilege to be an active member of The Body of Christ. We know that each part of the body is important, necessary and valuable. No one part or member is better than any other. We want to build healthy relationships with each other, so that we can more effectively serve the Father and His family. 1 Cor. 12, Eph. 3:10

We value all generations from the pre-born to the elderly. People are made in the image of God, regardless of their age. The family of God includes all ages, the message of the gospel is for every generation and so we want to include all ages in our worship, our fellowship and our outreach efforts. Each generation is called to train and mentor the generation behind them. Psalm 145:4-6, 2 Tim. 2:1-2

We believe that the words we use are powerful and important. Proverbs 18:21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue, therefore we will speak to each other with honor and respect. We will not be a church that gossips or is easily offended. We will speak directly to each other when questions or conflicts arise. We will seek to be at peace extending grace and honor toward one another. Matt. 18:15-20, Ephesians 4:15-16


We value all people because they are made in the image of God. We believe that everyone needs to hear the truth about themselves and about the God revealed in scripture. If you love someone you tell them the truth. The truth is, we are all sinners. The truth is, Jesus died for all sinners and if you will believe in Him, He will save you from that sin and eternal punishment. John 3:16

We value the opportunity we have been given to minister to you. We want you to know that not only does God love you, but we do too. We believe that our paths have crossed for a reason, and that is, for us to bring the hope of the good news of Jesus Christ to you. Every person needs to be free. We believe that true freedom and identity is only found in a relationship with Jesus. We have found FREEDOM IN CHRIST, our hope and prayer is that you will too. Gal. 5:1